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What are some of the Sweetest Things your spouse/SO has said to you lately?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

This is a little off topic but I was thinking about this today.  Or, I guess thinking about what my husband said to me. I needed to borrow his SUV yesterday to pick up a bike for one of my kids.  My car doesn't have much room.  He reluctantly let me borrow it and he took my car to work.  He came home from work last night.  He said "it was kind of refreshing driving your car to work today, would you mind if I took it tomorrow?"  I was a little shocked by the request since he was reluctant to trade for the day in the first place.  (Also he has a fairly new suv with all the bells and whistles and my car is old and has no bells and whistles).  I said "Why?" He didnt' want to answer me at first so I just told him "I don't care go ahead".  He sat there for a minute and said "I liked taking your car it smells like you.  I like that especially when I'm driving to work"

I was not expecting that answer but it made me happy.  So now your turn, What is the last sweet thing your spouse/significant other said to you?  This is meant to be fun and maybe even get us thinking about our partners.  And please nothing to graphic lol.  :-)


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