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Skin Care Products I'm Using

Sunday, May 23, 2010

It took me awhile to get into the habit of taking care of my skin (And I'll be honest, I'm still not completely diligent about removing my makeup before bed).  But as soon as I found products that gave me results, it wasn't so hard.  I've never had problems with acne, as a side note- I get the occasional pimple here and there, but my parents fortunately gave me good skin genes.  My skin is neither dry nor oily- somewhere in the middle, I suppose- but it's fairly sensitive.
Anyway, I thought I'd do a post on the products I've been using regularly this month.  I always find it interesting to see what girls use on their skin, even though I know what works for me might not work for you, and vice versa.  I have three different cleansers/scrubs I rotate between (Aveeno Skin Brightening daily scrub, Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Foaming scrub, Cetaphil, and Proactiv), and I also don't stick to just one moisturizer (I switch off between the one I'm posting about here, and Neutrogena Moisture oil-free for sensitive skin).

First is something I'm new to using, but have grown up hearing my mom rant and rave about- Pond's Cold Cream.  I like this for a few reasons:
-It allows you to loosen up face makeup before cleansing
-It's easy to remove eye makeup (I use a cotton ball), and it's gentle on eyes
-It lasts a lot longer for me than normal liquid eye makeup remover, so my value is better (And it's a little cheaper for me)

The lotion consistency is weird to get used to at first, especially if you're like me and have always used liquid makeup removers, but I like it now!

Next is Proactiv Renewing Cleanser.
I actually didn't purchase any of the Proactiv products I have- my sister tried it a while back, didn't like how the benzoyl peroxide worked for her, and never used it again.  I guess she ordered a few of everything, because both this cleanser and the toner were unopened, sitting in the back of my bathroom cabinet.
Anyway, I like what it's doing for me so far.  Although I don't have acne, I had some small blemishes that have cleared up some since I started using this a couple weeks ago.  I was surprised by this, because typically I don't like benzoyl peroxide acne products.  

Proactic Revitalizing Toner
This I've used longer than the cleaser, and let me say, I swear by toners.  I've always loved the results I see from them.  I saturate a cotton ball with this, and run it across my face after washing.  

Lastly is Target brand's Up & Up Moisturizing Lotion Radiant Skin w/ SPF 15- comparable to Aveeno Positively Radiant daily moisturizer SPF 30.  
This is the first time I've used this moisturizer, actually.  I'm a long-time fan of the Aveeno, but I was trying to save money when I purchased this, so I got the Target brand.  Anyway, they aren't exact dupes or anything.  This one is pretty thick, even though it has a lower SPF than Aveeno's.  I like it now that I've gotten used to the thick consistency.  It does have a slight smell, but it goes away after you apply it to your face and let it dry in.

These products are listed in the order I use them in, by the way.  I'm not sure if it's "right" to use the cold cream first, but I like the idea of it loosening my makeup before I wash my face.  

What are some of your favorite skin cleansers/moisturizers?  Is it hard for you to find quality products that deliver top results?


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