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NOTD: Sinful Colors in San Francisco Show Me The Way

Monday, May 3, 2010

I have to admit, I'm not one to wear particularly "bold" nail polish colors.  The closest I get to bold is usually either coral or plum (Or my more recent favorite, darker minty greens like Sinful Colors' Mint Apple).  So, you can imagine my hesitancy to wear a color like San Francisco Show Me The Way on my nails!

While it's both VERY green and shimmery, I think I'm warming up to it.  I loathe forest greens, and this has enough yellow in it that it doesn't venture into that territory.

I also found that it looks pretty cool with my work "uniform"- we're required to wear all black.  I think that's been the main inspiration for my desire to wear poppy nail polish colors.  :)

Definitely expect more Sinful Colors NOTD's in the future; Walgreens has had them BOGO1/2off, and I still have You Just Wait to try out.  
Yay for nail polish, haha.  :)

(Sorry for the mislabel!  I thought this was San Francisco, but my bottle's sticker was wrong.  I was wondering why all the images I had seen of the real San Francisco looked so much deeper!  Haha, this is really Show Me The Way)


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