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Lilash Special!! :) $15 off!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

As you know... I'm a HUGE fan of Lilash!! I'm on my 3rd tube of it and seriously think it's a must have product... for me at least. It really works and has made a huge difference in my lashes... it's not a perfect product  (it can cause red eyes the first week, darkening of the lids, etc) but it REALLY works. I think with most lash growing products you will use you  MAY experience that. I started to see results within 3 weeks.

Anyways, this post is NOT a review because I've already done that. I got a newsletter today with a $15 off coupon code that I wanted to share with you just in case you were thinking of getting it. 
Details:Take $15 Off Plus Free 2nd-Day Shipping Exclusively At LiLash!
Coupon: MDAY10
Offer Ends:05/09/10

Enjoy it if you get it and enjoy the $15 off!! :) :)

You can click this link it will take you to the site.



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