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The blog frog community 4th of July challenge.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The blog frog community is offering a 4th of July challenge. Set a goal for your blog frog community and try to achieve it by the 4th of July.  You can go by page views, members, whatever you'd like.  The winner gets a blog frog community ultimate booster pack, 1yr platinum blog frog membership, a blogger the frog, tshirt and printed and bound copy of the ultimate community launch guide.

Currently I have 32 members to my blog frog community.  I'd love to reach 100 by the 4th of July. Also I'd like to see at least 5 relevant forum post from on my community forum from someone other than me lol.  I feel like I'm talking to myself :-(. Yes I realize that just over a week away.  I think we can do it.  WE? well here's the deal, you follow my blog frog community, leave a comment here telling me you did so and a link to you community and I'll follow your blog frog community back.  You can use this link:  http://theblogfrog.com/1347856

Or use the blog frog widget on the right side bar.  Thanks for helping!


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