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Update- Back in Town Tomorrow

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hey everyone!  I hope your weekend was good; mine definitely was.  :)  I spent WAY more money than I wanted to on this trip, but I'm coming home with some fun things that I'm happy I "splurged" on (Quotation marks because I really didn't spend too much money, but it feels like it for me).
Today we went to a Nordstrom Rack, my 2nd one, and like my first visit I bought something!  This time it was a pair of jeans.  I just love that store.  The first one I went to was in California, but this one was like 2x bigger.  Just huge!
I've done so much shopping this weekend that I think I'm tired of it now; can you believe it?  I never thought I'd be able to say that about shopping.  Thank goodness, though, because I really don't want to spend any more money.  We were even going to go to another CVS today, but I didn't want to be tempted to buy makeup, so I opted not to go.  I am a little bitter: we went to one CVS Saturday, and it didn't have much for 50% or 75% off beauty products.  I was really hoping to go to another one today and find some good deals.  But alas, I spent my money on things I probably needed more than makeup.  :)  I can't wait to show you everything I got when I get home!

This was just another somewhat pointless update, but I wanted to tell you about my lovely weekend.  I got to see my baby cousin (Who turned 1 yesterday, happy birthday baby girl!), my relatives, and my sister; we got to shop and eat out at yummy restaurants, which is one of my favorite things to do!

Thanks for still reading and paying attention to my blog.  You all are amazing!


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