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Blog Hop Friday

Friday, June 4, 2010

Welcome to the fourth edition and special edition of Blog Hop  Friday, hosted by My New Life As  Mom, Chubby Cheeks  Thinks, Take A  Mom's Word For It, Bree Bee's, This Adventure Our  Life and Belly Charms!  This week we would like to add a special cause to Blog Hop Friday. As  many of you know, Mission Monkey  is spreading like wildfire. She's a 16 month old baby girl who has  cancer. She needs every single prayer, special thought, special wish,  etc, that we can gather up. She will sit in our top spot, so please make  sure to link up to her, as well. We continue to invite you and your  friends to link up every Friday and join us for a wonderful blog hopping  adventure! We're all about making friends and having fun so come join  us! Here's how you can join in on the fun;
  • Link up to your blog, using our inlinkz link list, below.
  • Follow the host/hostesses located in the first lucky 7 slots.
  • Follow any other blogs that you feel appropriate! :)
  • Add the Blog Hop Friday button to your sidebar.
  • When following a new blog, please remember to leave a little  personal comment love.
  • If you get a new follower, please feel free to reciprocate the love!

Please remember to send a little comment love when you follow  someone's blog. The point of this is to gain new followers and new  friends, so please take a second to send a personal comment on their  latest post, something you like about their site or maybe something you  find interesting.

We understand that not everyone has time to follow and comment on every  Blog Hop Friday Participant, just do what you can and are willing to do.  We will do the same! Take your time and go at your own pace.


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