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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy Wednesday, everyone!  All this morning I've been exploring BzzAgent, "the leading word-of-mouth marketing company" (http://bzzagent.com).  I'm not here to promote it or anything, but I am very new to the website and not so sure how to get started.
I've heard of BzzAgent from various bloggers, and just today I conveniently saw that Drugstore Divas posted about it as well.  It got me thinking that I really need to do something with my account that I've had for a month or two (I registered awhile back but thought it was something I would never get into/that wasn't worth it, so I left it alone).
I guess I don't have too many specific questions, but I'd love to hear how you got started if you'd like to share!  So far today I've rated some websites, added my own review to a few, and taken a boatload (It feels like!) of surveys.  I really want to increase my "Status" and get samples sent to me.  :)

Hope you're all having a good day!


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