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FYI: What to Expect

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I know I've been doing lots of random blogging this week, and this is no exception, lol.  I wanted to let you all know what's to come on the blog the next couple of weeks, though!  Since I said earlier that I spent most of my (Allotted) money on my trip last weekend, I won't be purchasing as much makeup the next couple of weeks.  That's not to say I won't buy any, but I definitely cannot make my usual trip to Target or Walgreens to peruse the makeup aisles.  ;)  My goal is to hit pan on at least a few products and use up ones I haven't touched in awhile.
With that said, expect to see looks, product reviews, and other posts about makeup that I've had in my stash for awhile.
I'm trying to think of different things to post about, too, besides just product reviews/hauls/looks.  If you have any ideas, please be sure to let me know!  I'm trying to put together a few videos (Although I only have Photobooth on my Mac), and I did figure out how to use iMovie so that could be...interesting.  Ha.

Have a good day everyone; I'll be resuming makeup posts ASAP!


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