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Mommy Blogger's Susan G. Komen Passionately Pink Team

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I found a link for the Susan G. Komen Passinately Pink for the cure.  I created a team called Mommy Bloggers:
Breast Cancer research is something that I routinely donate to.  My mother passed away 2 years ago from breast cancer that metastisized.  My maternal grandmother was has also been affected by breast concern however she survived.  A little scary history for me.

I decided to start a team.  I called it mommy bloggers.  I thought it might be a great way for us mommy bloggers to team up and raise money for breast cancer research.

How can you help?

1.  Post a link to this post, make your own post with the mommy blogger team donation link:

2. Tweet this message:  Help mommy bloggers raise money for breast cancer research: http://www.info-komen.org/goto/mommybloggers RT

3.   Collect donations from family and friends.  Checks should be made out to--Susan G. Komen for the Cure
and include team ID which is 7369400 if you collect any donations via check please contact me: angiewith3 at live dot com.  I can either email you my address to send them to to turn them in with donations or you can fill out the donation reply form:  http://www.info-komen.org/site/DocServer/PPFTC__reply_slip.doc?docID=1048
and mail them in yourself in which case you would still need my info since I am the team captain.  

4.  Post about this on facebook

5.  Tell your friends, family, and readers. 

6. Donate care of the mommy bloggers team:  

Please consider helping.  Even if you can't manage a donation now.  Help by spreading the word or doing one or all of the above tasks.  I will take donations until June 20, 2010.  

Also if you do create a blog post or link to my blog post,  let me know.  I am receiving limited edition team pins.  I will be glad to send you one for helping.  I ordered 25 so it will be on a first come first serve basis if you help.


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