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Day 3-Youtube video♥

Saturday, July 31, 2010

I had a really hard time choosing a video. I was thinking of showing one of my favorite music videos but I happened to stumble on this one CF video. It is called Tomorrow Story and the final episode of it. So it's a short post today~ENJOY♥


EOTD/FOTD: Green liner and a nude lip

This is a look I did today using my Physicians Formula cream eyeliner (The green shade from the trio for green eyes), and the lipstick I received from Jamie, Rimmel Moisture Renew in Spotlight Beige.  In the tube it looks like a mid-toned nude shade, but on my lips it turns a little more coral.  I thought it would pair nicely with a green/brown eye!

(Excuse my imprecise application of the eyeliner!  I didn't realize it wasn't so "neat" until I took these pictures, LOL)

Eyes products/ How I used them:
-Victoria's Secret VS Pro eyeshadow primer
-Champagne eyeshadow all over lid/crease (lid color from my WnW trio Walking On Eggshells)
-Matte cream highlight color (from my WnW palette Vanity)
-Shimmery mid-tone brown color in my outer corner/crease for depth (Shimmer brown from same WnW palette Vanity)
-Physicians Formula gel liner for green eyes, the black color, in a thin line at the base of my upper lash line (Just to make my lash line look thicker)
-Physicians Formula gel liner for green eyes, the green color, right above the black liner
-Maybelline Unstoppable eyeliner in Jade smudged along lower lash line
-L'Oreal Extra Volume Collagen mascara in Black

-ELF Tinted Moisturizer in Light Beige
-NYC Translucent Mosaic powder
-ELF Studio Contouring Bronzer on my temples/hollows of my cheeks/sides of nose
-Covergirl Trublend minerals blush in Pure Romance on the apples of my cheeks

-EOS lip balm in Lemon Drop (Smells SO good!)
-Rimmel Moisture Renew lipstick in Spotlight Beige

Wow, I feel like I used so many products for this one.  

Last one just for fun.  :)

Thanks for reading, everyone.  Hope you all had a wonderful Saturday!


Thank You Maquilagem Masstige (PoorCollegeStudent)!

Jamie over at Maquilagem Masstige is so incredibly sweet.  I complimented her on a nail polish she was wearing in one of her posts a couple weeks ago, which was 10 Professional Nail Lacquer in Spring Awakening, found only at CVS.  Knowing I don't have a CVS within reach, she kindly offered to send a bottle to me.  I got her package today, and along with the nail polish she included Rimmel Moisture Renew lipstick in Spotlight Beige.  Thanks girl, you are seriously too nice!

I was so excited to see this in my mailbox today.  :)

10 Professional Nail Lacquer in Spring Awakening, Rimmel Moisture Renew lipstick in Spotlight Beige

She wrote me a cute note explaining that Spotlight Beige is her favorite drugstore nude lipstick:

Swatch of Spotlight Beige:

I've seen this color in stores, but I was hesitant to purchase it as I wasn't sure how it would look against my skin.  However, I love it!  Jamie, you are so right.  It's a beautiful, neutral nude.

I will definitely be doing a NOTD with Spring Awakening.  I love the color so much, as I have nothing quite like it in my collection!  It's a light muted lavender, but it doesn't lose its brightness.  

Thanks again Jamie.  I can't wait to enjoy these more!


Physicians Formula Custom Eye Enhancing Gel CreamLiners for Green Eyes

Friday, July 30, 2010

Phew, is that a long name or what?  It's actually Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips Custom Eye Enhancing Gel CreamLiners.  I have been wanting these for the longest time.  I don't think I've mentioned it much here, but my friends and family know I've been on the hunt for them!  I had hear endless rants and raves about these- mostly that they stay on for hours.  They used to only be sold at CVS, and since I don't have a CVS near by, I was out of luck.
However!  They are popping up everywhere around me, and today I finally found them at Target.  I had to get them when I saw them there, because unlike other drugstores like Walgreens and Kmart, Target doesn't jack up their prices.  I purchased these today for $8.99.

I've been obsessed with the one for green eyes (Coincidentally I have green eyes, haha) since first seeing swatches online.

You get three mini gel/cream eyeliners in three shades for different looks.  The green is for "natural" looks, the black is for "dramatic" looks, and the purple is for "playful" looks.  The purple and green are so pretty!  The black I don't particularly care about, only because I already have one (Wet 'n' Wild).  

This is the brush it comes with:
(I held it up with my finger just for size reference)
I've read reviews saying this brush is useless, but as someone who doesn't wear gel/cream eyeliners daily, I have to disagree.  It's small, thin, and does the job.  It's probably not as good as some eyeliner brushes, but it works just fine for me.

I haven't had a chance to wear these all day since I just purchased them this evening, but I don't think I need to.  They seriously don't budge, however they came off easily with my Pond's Cold Cream that I use as eye makeup remover.  

At $8.99 for three eyeliners, I totally think you're getting a deal here.  These haven't disappointed me in the least.  I'm excited to wear them in a look tomorrow!  

Do you own these?  How do you like them?  I want to check out the other colors now.  :)
Thanks for reading, and happy weekend!


Day 2~My Favorite Animal♥

First off, today was an awesome and crazy day. I had my portion of bad luck though...but anyways I will write more about that awesome day and load picture when I'm not lying on the bed, very bloated, and feeling sleepy. The thing I must do now is to complete challenge for Day 2. Well I don't exactly have a favorite animal but I love doggies♥ Since dogs are such a wide range I will specify that. My favorite dog is the Shiba Inu. It always has been a breed I especially liked since super long ago! If your not sure what a Shiba Inu looks like, it is basically a smaller version of the Akita and it looks kind like a fox with a curled tail. Very kawaii! So..instead of blabbing so much I will overload with some pictures ^_^

The Shiba Inu:

Ok..I guess I should stop showing pictures of only puppies >3< so here is a picture of an adult Shiba:

yes...and just because I found so much more cute pics...here is just a little bit more..I PROMISE!!!

^ ahhh~~so cute!! It's a Shiba Inu puppy's butt and it is in action! Well that is all and hope I have blinded you all with these cutesy pictures and maybe persuade you to love Shiba Inus too XD! Bye until tomorrow~~and look forward to my post about my crazy lunch today! (All pictures credited to google image)


New Wet 'n' Wild ColorIcon Eyeliners + VS Eyeshadow Primer

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'm sure most of you have seen the Wet 'n' Wild 'Craze' LE displays at your drugstores, but I've only seen a couple in my area (Which I attribute to living in the middle of nowhere in the Midwest).  They've all been random and different.  This is the first display I've seen at my Walgreens- the rest were at ShopKo.

(Sorry for cell-phone picture quality!)
This was just a tiny stand next to the Jordana/Sinful Colors products, but I've never seen these particular Craze products before.  They are duo eyeshadows!  I didn't pick any up just because none of the colors jumped right out at me, but I'd love to hear if anyone else has seen or tried these.

Onto the Wet 'n' Wild Craze products I did purchase: their new, reformulated eyeliners.  This was a similar display to the one I saw at Walgreens, except it was at ShopKo and there were just eyeliners.  I'm sorry I couldn't get a picture of this- employees kept walking by and I got paranoid.  
With these reformulated eyeliners, Wet 'n' Wild came out with some new colors.  I think there are four total, but I purchased the three that looked prettiest to me: Olive, Purple, and Amethyst.

(To the far right is another new addition to my eyeliner family, Rimmel Exaggerate eyeliner in Emerald Sparkle.  It has great staying power!  It lasted through my sweaty workout last night!)

(Olive, Purple, Amethyst, Rimmel Emerald Sparkle)

I just applied Olive to my upper lashline about a half hour ago, and I have Amethyst on my lower.  So obviously I can't yet give you a full review, but expect one to come.  I think these shades are SO gorgeous, wearable, and they apply really smooth.  Has anyone tried Wet 'n' Wild H20 Proof pencil eyeliners?  Possibly the hardest eyeliner ever?  They are about 1,000,000 times creamier than those.  

(Olive, Purple, Amethyst, Rimmel Emerald Sparkle)

So definitely expect an update when I've had time to fully review these.  At only $.99 a piece, I had to at least try them.

Onto what I purchased at work (Victoria's Secret)- Victoria's Secret VS Pro Lasting FX eyeshadow primer.
This retails at $8, and all the girls I work with constantly rave about it.  I should note the ones I'm thinking of aren't too into makeup, so I don't know if they've used other eyeshadow primers before, but I decided to finally see for myself.  It's a liquid cream texture that blends colorless.  It seems kind of oily, so I don't know how this would work on those with oiler eyelids.  Mine are on the dry side so I don't think this will be a problem for me.  I re-did my eye makeup and used this a half hour ago, so I'll let you know how this works for me too.  :)

Isododecane, Cyclopentasiloxane, Talc, Sorbitan Sesquioleate, Polythylene, Tryhydroxystearin, Disteardimonium Hectorite, VP/Eicosene Copolymer, Beeswax (Cera Alba, Cire d'abeille), Dimethicone, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Isopropyl Lanolate, Propylene Carbonate, Silica, Phenoxyethanol, PEG-40 Stearate, Polybutene, Methylparaben, Mica, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Propylparaben,, Titanium Dioxide, Iron Dioxide.

Tried any of these?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!


30 Day Challenge~Day 1

So this is the challenge me and Juney decided to start for bloggers. This list was founded somewhere on tumblr so i'm not sure who to give credits to but, Juney edited the list so this one is half credited to her♥

Day 1: A Picture of The City You Were Born In

Well...the city I was born in was totally not the city I grew up in. I was born in Harbor City Hospital and other then that I don't even know what the city looks like. So for this topic instead of putting pictures of Harbor City (I can't even find pictures of it ><") I will provide pictures of the three main places I've spent my life.1. Taipei, Taiwan (3-4 years of my life)

2. El Segundo, California (about another 4 years)

3. Monterey Park, California

(it's the best picture I can find =3=" but yeah this is an event)

(All pictures were taken from google image.)

So..I shall continue tomorrow with Day 2 and enjoy staring at the very huge pictures!


Quick Update!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I feel like I am so out of touch from the beauty community... my computer has been broken for 2 weeks and it's STILL in the shop! :( I really miss you guys, blogging, reading blogs, making videos, watching videos... I miss it all. Having been without a computer for a few weeks has been a peaceful time for me and I almost feel like it's been good for me to be away but stealing a few hours on the computer (borrowed from my mother in law) makes me can't wait to get back at doing what I love.

I love beauty products, helping women, and finding amazing products to review but my time away has taught me that I don't *need* a mountain of products in my life. I need ONE foundation, ONE mascara and a few of this and that here and there. It's so easy to get caught up in everything when you find something new and beautiful each day online, but for me... that's not what makes my world go round. So, while I can't wait to get back to blogging and making videos my time away has brought a new prospective... I need to focus on the things I do have (and love) and stop trying to find the next best thing. It's a liberating thing! ;)

Hope you all are having a wonderful night and I'll talk to you when I get my computer back!



Wednesday Weekly Favorites: Glow-y Summer Goodies

This week was a sort of continuation from a couple weeks ago when I went a little lighter with my makeup.  I've been very into making my skin/makeup look as healthy and clear and glow-y as possible this summer, and these products have helped me in doing so.

MAC 252 Large Shader brush- OK, this is one of the two products that doesn't go along with the theme.  For my 13th birthday, my mom took me to a MAC counter to learn how to do my makeup, and she bought me two brushes; this one and the 224 tapered brush.  Ever since I came across ELF's brushes, I haven't really used this.  Actually it's been longer than that.  I haven't used this brush in a looong time.  But anyway, I got it all nice and clean last week, and decided I needed to put it to the test again.  Surprise, surprise- I love it!  Like you've probably heard, it's great for "packing-on" color to the lid area.

Wet 'n' Wild Walking On Eggshells eyeshadow trio- This gives me such a pretty, shimmery eye that I love to wear during the summer.  The colors are soft and pigmented, and I feel like the combination of shades help brighten my eyes.

ELF Tinted Moisturizer in Light Beige- I bought one of these awhile back, fell in love with it, purchased a back-up, and then fell out of love with the first one before I even finished it.  Last week I opened the back-up to see if the consistency was any different since it was "new".  It was a little thicker in texture than the one I had been using for months, and I think that made all the difference.  I've been using it ever since- I'm back in love with this product!  It gives me light coverage that's not sheer, and doesn't go on super shiny like other TMs can.  Plus, the color is pretty much a perfect match for my skin.

ELF Shimmering Facial Whip in Lilac Petal- I talked about this here, when I compared it to my other favorite highlighter, Benefit High Beam.  I'm just trying to use this up, but I really do think it's a quality product.  I wear it on top of my tinted moisturizer or foundation, but under my powder so it doesn't look too shimmery.

Maybelline The Colossal Volum' Express mascara- You all probably know how much I love this mascara by now.  I did a review of it here, so you can see why!  It's my current HG mascara.  Covergirl Lash Blast gives me great volume, but this one gives me great volume AND length.

Neutrogena Acne Stress Control face wash- The lovely Jamie at Maquilagem Masstige recently recommended this face wash for dry/sensitive skin.  I've been using it for about two weeks now I think and it's been working nicely for me.  It doesn't irritate my sensitive skin or leave it feeling tight, and I really think it has helped reduce the redness in my face (It has green tea and cucumber in it).  My skin usually gets a little red after cleansing, but it hasn't been so noticeable since using this.

That's it for this week!  Any of these products that you like as well?  Let me know!


Enter to win a 1 night stay at Hampton Inn or a King Size Bedding set valued at $400

Adventures of a Military Family of 8 is having a great giveaway.  2 people will win a 1 night stay at Hampton Inn and a King Size Bedding set to 1 reader. 

I would love to win this one.  The one night stay would be great for the hubs and I to steal away for a night.  We don't hardly ever have time together without the kids.  I'd love to win this!

Enter to win at Military Family of 8

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How I use teal eyeliner for an easy look

I know I've done countless eye looks using teals/greens/blues, but I did say a few months ago that it would be my "go-to color" this summer.  I'd say teal looks and neutral looks have been my usuals so far.  On normal days where I just hang out or work, I do a neutral eye; on days I feel like switching it up, I do a pop of teal or blue.  Purple used to be my favorite color for eyeshadows/liners, but I've been stepping out of my comfort zone.
This is my take on teal eyeliner and making it "pop".  I usually use teal eyeliner when using blue/green eyeshadow, but that's because it blends in and doesn't take away from anything else.  In this look, the eyeliner takes center stage.  (I did another look using teal eyeliner here, but I don't like how it turned out.  Which is why I tried again today)

Products I used:
-Almay Bright Eyes eye base
-E.L.F. mineral eyeshadow in Trendy
-A light cream color for highlight (I used an eyeshadow from the Wet 'n 'Wild eyeshadow palette in Vanity)
-A dark matte brown eyeshadow (I used the dark matte brown color from Vanity)
-E.L.F. Studio shadow stick in Pearl/Glow
-Rimmel Exaggerate waterproof eyeliner in Emerald Shimmer
-MAC eyeshadow in Haunting
-Covergirl Lash Blast Volume mascara in Black

1. Prime your entire eye area
2. Apply a light, neutral, shimmery color (Any color can work for this, but I used E.L.F. Trendy eyeshadow which is a rosey taupe)
3. Apply a light cream color to the inner tearduct and brow bone for a highlight
4. Line the outer 1/2 of your upper lash line with a matte dark brown eyeshadow (Or smudged liner would work for this, but I like the softness of an eyeshadow)
5. Line your lower waterline with either a white or cream colored eyeliner to open your eyes
6. Line the outside of your lower lash line with a bright teal eyeliner
7. Dust a light blue or green eyeshadow on top of the teal eyeliner to blend any harsh lines
8. Curl your eyelashes and apply your favorite mascara

On my face I used:

-Maybelline Mineral Power powder foundation
-Jane Blushing Cheeks blush in Blushing Earth Sheer

And then I just applied Wet 'n' Wild Just Peachy Mega Last lipstick on my lips.  

How do you wear bright eyeliner?  Do you do something similar to this?


Smartknit Kids Back to School Giveway

Smartknitkids.com has a great back to school giveaway right now. Here is the grand prize list right from smartknitkids.com

1 Grand Prize worth over $500 will be awarded:

3 Pair SmartKnitKIDS Seamless Socks
1 Amazon Kindle
6 Month Subscription to NetFlix
$100 Costco Card
20 Coloring Books
10 Kids' Reading Books
Supply of Purell Hand Sanitizers
5 Clorox Wipe Packages
250 Crayons
30 Pencils
15 Lightbulbs
15 Kids' Toothbrushes
6 Containers of Tang

Stop by and enter for yourself. Up to 4 entries: Smartknitkids.com Back to School Giveaway

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Smartyrents.com Giveaway---CLOSED

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I recently found about Smartyrents.com. Smartyrents.com is a website that works along the idea of netflix or gamefly. The difference is, it's all educational games for your little ones educational game systems. They rent out games for: Leapster, V.smile, Didj, V.motion, Clickstart, V.smile baby, V.Flash, and Little Leaps.

I wish I would have had this when my kids had a V.smile a few years ago. My kids would see new games and say "mom can we get that one!" I'd buy it only for them to be bored with it in a month or two.  Or another issue was I'd buy it and it just wasn't what I thought it would be. While the games for most of these educational systems are relatively inexpensive, Smartyrents.com is an easy way for your kids to try them. One thing I like about Smartyrents.com is, if your little one really likes the game, you can use their "love it" feature which allows you to buy the game at a reduced price. If they don't like the game, just send it back and they will send you the next game in the "your game" list.

There are several packages to choose from:

1 game at a time for $9.99/mo
2 games at a time for $14.99/mo
3 games at a time for $19.99/mo
4 games at a time for $24.99/mo

The multiple packages are great for families with several children that have say, the personal Leapsters, and they each want their own game.

You get to keep the game for as long as you want. Keep it for a week or a year. just pay the monthly subscription fee of the package you choose. Don't forget that you can take advantage of the "love it" feature to buy it at a reduced cost if your little one just can't part with the game.

Shipping is FREE. Both to and from. When you receive your game(s) you will also be sent and prepaid return mailer to send it back when you're ready.

Smartyrents.com also offers gift certificates.

Smartyrents.com is offering my readers a coupon code for 1 FREE month of 1 game at a time $9.99 package OR the code can be used for $9.99 towards the package of your choice. Promo Code: d1cbdd
Code expires 8/31/10


Smartyrents.com is offering 5 lucky readers a free 3-month membership of 1 game at a time. 

 MANDATORY ENTRY:   Visit Smartyrents.com and tell me which game you think your little one would like to try first. 
This must be completed before any bonus entries will count. Don't forget to leave an email address that I can contact you at if you win!

Bonus Entries (If it has +1 leave 1 comment for that entry, +2 leave two comments for that entry, etc)

1. "like" smartyrents.com on facebook (+2)  

2. Follow Smartyrents.com on twitter (+1)

3.  Leave this comment on your facebook status "I entered to win a 3 month membership to smartyrents.com from Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests, and More.   5 winners!  Also a free 1 month membership for everyone! http://bit.ly/SRgiveaway " Leave facebook status link.  (+2)

4.  Tweet the following message on twitter:  "I entered to win a 3 month membership to @smartyrents from @angiewith3 5 winners! 8/10 US http://bit.ly/SRgiveaway and promo code " leave tweet link. (+1)

5.  Follow FFCandM via google friend connect, or Networked blogs using widgets in right column (+1 for each one)

6.  Follow me, @angiewith3 on twitter (+1)

7.  Subscribe via email using box on right (must confirm to count, leave your email address) (+3)

8.  Subscribe via RSS feed using box on right column (+2)

9. Vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs using brown Top Mommy Blogs button in Right Column (+2)

Giveaway will end Aug 10 at 10 pm EST.  Winners will be drawn via random.org.

***I did not receive any monetary or product compensation for this post.  This is a promotional post.  Any opinions expressed are my own.  Prizes are sponsored by smartyrents.com***

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Family Dollar Kidgets Clothing Line Review

While entering a recent Sweeptakes on FamilyDollar.com about 2 months ago, I noticed an ad for Kidgets clothing. I clicked on the ad. What cute clothes for such a fantastic price!

I contacted Family Dollar and they were so gracious as to let me review some clothes from the Kidget clothing line.   I got a couple outfits for my youngest son and some for my niece so you could see how cute the clothes are for both boys and girls.

The prices for the Kidgets clothes range from $4-$8 for an outfit.  I don't know about you, but when all my kids were babies and changing sizes every three months, I just couldn't see spending a lot of money on clothes.  I'm a fan of Family Dollar anyway.  I had so much fun picking out these outfits.  Here are a few outfits I picked out for my youngest son. I looked in a couple local Family Dollars. It seems the Kidget Line only goes up to size 6. My two older boys are in bigger sizes.  They do have clothes in Bugle Boy brand for the older kids that are in really cool styles. 

The above pictured outfit is after 2 washes.  It did not shrink or fade. It was a preppy little summer outfit. size 18 months

This is another outfit I bought.  I bought it so it will fit him next summer.  This is a 24 month outfit. (If you're wondering the tag says $5, go ahead and enlarge it and see for yourself)

Then I bought a few outfits for my niece and my sister sent my some pictures of her modeling the outfits I bought her.  I got her one outfit that fits now and one a little bigger:

My son has worn his little preppy outfit 4 times since purchase so far.  As most 13 month olds are, he's into everything in his clothes.  Trying to climb steps, crawling on the floor, creeping on furniture, and these clothes held up well to the everyday wear and tear.  They did not fade after several washes. 

The green outfit on my niece came with the short and 2 coordinating shirts.  I just got her to take the pictures for me and send them.  I love the way these clothes look and fit on the kids. 

The Family Dollar Kidgets clothing line is a real bargain for children.  You may want to consider Kidgets clothes when back to school shopping for your little one or when looking for a cute outfit for a child.  Family Dollar also offers the Bugle Boy clothing line for the older ones.

Review Summary:  At only $4-$8 per outfit the Kidgets clothing line is a cute clothing line that will fit into anyone's budget.  It's also a great price to be able to give it a try for yourselves.  I found the Kidgets clothing line to be of good quality to hold up to every day wear and tear, particularly for my son who is 13 months old.

Vist the Website:

It's worth visiting Family Dollar's website periodically too.  Right now they have coupons posted on their website: Family Dollar Coupons

Also there is a "Spree for Three Sweepstakes" from Family Dollar and Poise: SpreeforThree Sweeps
Grand Prize is a girls weekend, 13 first prizes are a new digital camera, and 113 2nd prizes are a 4 GB pink ipod shuffle.

***I was provided with a Family Dollar gift card to purchase clothing from the Kidgets clothing line.  I was under no obligation to give a positive review.  All opinions expressed are my own***

Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests, and More


Winners and a coupon code for Lunchboxes.com

Winners for the Bacon Hot Sauce Giveaway were:

Measmom  number 107 drawn by random.org

CrystalH  number 60 drawn by  random.org

Winner of the Lunchboxes.com gc giveaway:

mimilovesall8   lucky number 4 drawn via random.org

As promised to help you with your back to school shopping. Lunchboxes.com is offering coupon code: ANGIE
use the coupon code at checkout for 10% off your order. No minimum order. Coupon good until Oct. 1, 2010

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Mini Walgreens and Target Haul (UPDATED: And Walmart!)

Today I got a few things I've been wanting for a long time, so I'm excited to share this with you!

(Clockwise from top left: EOS lip balm Lemon Drop, Covergirl Trublend Minerals blush in Pure Romance, Maybelline The Colossal Volum' Express mascara in Glam Black, Wet 'n' Wild Mega Last lipstick in Think Pink)

I've read endless mention about these EOS lip balms, and I FINALLY figured out where they sell them. I thought for the longest time you had to buy them online, but no, they've been at Walgreens!  I did have to go to the one a little farther away from me (The one around the corner didn't have them), but that wasn't a problem.  I honestly don't even care that this balm isn't the most outstanding one I've tried; the packaging is so cute!  My mom was really interested by it, haha.

I pass this Covergirl Trublends Minerals blush in Pure Romance every time I go to the grocery store, Target, Walgreens; wherever they sell Covergirl.  It wasn't until recently when I read a blog post about this particular color (I forget where, sorry!), and how lovely it looks on fair skin, that I decided I needed it.  It's such a gorgeous, pale pink color.  This is the only product I got today that I am a little disappointed by- it's hardly pigmented at all, and I think my skin is just a tad too dark for it to show up well (I'm fair, but I usually wear the 2nd or 3rd foundation shade depending on the brand).  It's shimmery, so it basically gives my cheeks a nice "glowy" look.  Definitely pretty but not what I had expected.  (PS: You get so much of this.  There is .63oz of product; I don't know if I'll ever finish it!)

The Maybelline Colossal Volum' Express mascara is my current HG mascara.  I've gone through several tubes of this in the past, and the one I've been using is pretty much done with.  I love it so much that I needed to buy another one.  I think this is the first time, recently, that I haven't wanted to try a "different" mascara! 

Lastly, this Wet 'n' Wild Mega Last lipstick in Think Pink is one I've looked over every time I go look at lipsticks.  It always looked too "baby pink" to me, but today I just decided to try it.  I'm so glad I did.  It's pretty, and with the right lip gloss I think it's wearable enough for everyday.  Now I have four of these lipsticks!

(Left- Covergirl blush, Right- Wet 'n' Wild lipstick)

So I ran to Walmart before hitting the gym tonight, because I realized I've done really well with saving money so I deserved just a couple more things to spoil myself with.  :)  I got my hands on the Revlon Super Lustrous lip gloss in Peach Petal (YES!  I love this and have been eyeing it ever since I bought the others last week!), and then a Jane Blushing Cheeks blush in Blushing Earth Sheer.  I picked this up because I remember awhile ago Jamie at Maquilagem Masstige had raved about it.  It is really pretty!  

I think I'm just going to start collecting these Revlon SL lip glosses.... because I want another one already (Nude Lustre).  I think the packaging is sophisticated for a drugstore lip gloss, they feel lovely on my lips, and I love the distinct scent they have.  They aren't the cheapest, but I feel OK spending a little extra on them.
I love Peach Petal... it's like a nice creamy nude color, but with enough peach in it so it doesn't completely wash you out.  I'll post pictures of this in another post sometime, you can count on it!  
I'll definitely be picking up more of these Jane blushes, too; they are nicely pigmented, soft, and gorgeous both in the pan and on my cheeks.  


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