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Moroccan Mineral Facial Tanner- might just be the perfect tan! :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

To be honest, my first impression of this before even using it was "what a rip off". I was expecting the bottle to be a lot bigger than it was for the cost! 1.7oz for $29. The instructions claim you can get up to 50 applications out of this so that put me at ease a little. 

Put the size off the bottle aside... this self tanner is a gem in almost every way. It comes in a pump bottle (which takes a little bit of pressure to get the product out) and the cream comes out as a very light mocha color that blends very naturally into the face. It feels very moisturizing, too! When you first apply the cream it does have some shimmer to it but it washes off in the morning... you won't look like Edward everyday, I swear!

It dries in minutes and takes 4-6 hours to develop but I don't personally see the full color until I wake up in the morning. I think it's always best to let the self tanner sit on your face for at least 10 hours. 

The thing that's really unique about this self tanner compared to products I've tried in the past is it doesn't contain brown dyes or tints that can clog your pores and make your pores "dirty". Hallelujah! The worst part of using self tanners with brown dyes is looking up close in the mirror and looking like you have a million black heads all over your face. I didn't have that happen with this.

It doesn't have a terrible scent and you don't stink in the morning! I wouldn't go as far as to say it smells wonderful but it's by no means bad! It's supposed to smell citrus-y but yeah... I didn't smell that. 

It's claims to last 4-5 days but I wash my face daily with the Clarisonic so it's more like 3 days (if I'm lucky).
AFTER using Moroccan Mineral Facial Tanner

In person the color is in no way orange but gives a very pretty natural, even mocha looking tan. 
Very impressed!

Cream as it first comes out 

Once applied it rubs in almost clear and it's almost mistake proof. 

Benefits and Healthy facts:
-Better than tanning in the sun but that's a given
-Made with anti aging ingredients
-Sulfate Free
-Phthante Free
-Dye Free
-Mineral Oil Free

I ordered this from Pretty Like Me ! I actually came across this tanner looking for something else not even make up related. The picture shown above peeked my interested and this sounded like something really nice.

I really honestly think this is the perfect facial/neck tanner. I've never heard about it before so sometimes that's a risk but in this case it was a very good risk. It turned out to be a very good product. 

Have you heard about this or tried it? If you end up trying it... let me know what you think!


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