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Quick Update!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I feel like I am so out of touch from the beauty community... my computer has been broken for 2 weeks and it's STILL in the shop! :( I really miss you guys, blogging, reading blogs, making videos, watching videos... I miss it all. Having been without a computer for a few weeks has been a peaceful time for me and I almost feel like it's been good for me to be away but stealing a few hours on the computer (borrowed from my mother in law) makes me can't wait to get back at doing what I love.

I love beauty products, helping women, and finding amazing products to review but my time away has taught me that I don't *need* a mountain of products in my life. I need ONE foundation, ONE mascara and a few of this and that here and there. It's so easy to get caught up in everything when you find something new and beautiful each day online, but for me... that's not what makes my world go round. So, while I can't wait to get back to blogging and making videos my time away has brought a new prospective... I need to focus on the things I do have (and love) and stop trying to find the next best thing. It's a liberating thing! ;)

Hope you all are having a wonderful night and I'll talk to you when I get my computer back!



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