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Sunday, July 25, 2010

I now have a blog! What encouraged me to take this step and delve into the wondrous world of web-blogging? In short, boredom..I don't expect anyone to read this or even to come across it, but after reliving the mundane summer days that I have become accustomed to I have decided enough is enough and that I need to amuse myself in some way. And entertainment has come in the form of a beauty blog..

While I have had my summer holiday of the year, my friends are either trekking around Europe or indulging in a J1 in America/Canada. And I'm bored, working in Dublin..

I have no real plan for this..I don't even know how to use it. But it will consist of random beauty and make up posts. Maybe reviews, hauls and inspiration. We'll just have to see I guess..


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